Tosheka Locally – Produced All Purpose Organic Fertilizer/Soil Enhancer/ Pesticide N P K 4 – 13 – 2 Made of Croton shells / Neem & Cotton Seed Cake & husk Coco peat fiber Provides advantages in the restoration & enhancement of soil’s structure. Builds immunity, provides the nutritional needs for every growth stage N/ P/ K & Essential Nutriments Carbon / Nitrogen Ratio 10.14 Builds immunity, provides nutritional needs for every growth stage Tested & produced to the highest standards and consistent quality Ensure Fast Plant Growth and Root Protection Improves Soil Structure & Reduces Runoff Stimulate Microbial Activities Slow-Release Fertilizer Tosheka, has produced an All-Purpose Organic Fertilizer/Soil Enhancer/ Pesticide to respond to the demand and support food security. Tosheka has formulated 100% organic fertilizer which was guided by the KEBS standard and the research and testing of “Precise Science Testing” and has been certified by the Kenya Bureau of Standards. Our fertilizer improves the quality of the soil; harvest while providing plant protection. We are seeking to partner with your organization to introduce and distribute our organic fertilizer which will be of great benefit to the farmers and the Environment.

Organic Fertilized and Pesticide

TP has developed a very effective organic pesticide and pest repellent made from a long-neglected local plant. Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of this plant’s extract against agricultural pests such as aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, and mealybugs. The peel extracts have shown both contact toxicity and repellent effects on these target pests. The peal contains compounds like polysaccharides, anthraquinones, and other secondary metabolites that can have insecticidal and acaricidal effects.

The gel extracts have been observed to exhibit contact toxicity, repellent, and growth-inhibiting effects on the target pests. These studies have generally found that the peel extracts tend to exhibit stronger insecticidal and acaricidal properties compared to the gel extracts. This is attributed to the higher concentrations of compounds like anthraquinones and saponins in the peel. However, the gel extracts have also shown significant pesticidal potential, particularly against certain pest species. The gel extracts have been observed to exhibit contact toxicity, repellent, and growth-inhibiting effects on the target pests.

Mechanism of action:
Studies have identified the key bioactive compounds in peel and gel that contribute to their pesticidal properties. The anthraquinones, such as emodin, are believed to be the primary insecticidal and acaricidal agents. These compounds are known to disrupt the nervous system and interfere with the growth and development of pests. Saponins and terpenoids have been found to exhibit insecticidal, antifeedant, and repellent effects. The mode of action includes contact toxicity, ingestion toxicity, and disruption of feeding and oviposition behavior in the target pests.

Broad-spectrum activity:
The peel and gel extracts have demonstrated efficacy against a wide range of agricultural pests, including: Sucking pests: Aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, and scale insects Chewing pests: Caterpillars, beetles, and larvae Mites: Spider mites and eriophyid mites This broad-spectrum activity is attributed to the synergistic effects of the various bioactive compounds.

Organic Fertilizer Produce

Why The Urgent Need for Fertilizers:

According to researchers, deterioration and chemical degradation of soils are severe across the world. It is expressed as soil compaction, poor tubes, surface crafting (ph), slow water seepage, low water draining, low nutrients, and low nutrient retaining, also decreasing crop productivity. The severe shortage of low-cost fertiliser has hit large-scale farmers hard, threatening Kenya’s food security and export volumes. Dr Timothy Njagi, the principal researcher at the Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy, Egerton University, says that the high cost and scarcity of the farm input, blamed on global uncertainties such as the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict, will result in a major decline in production. This is why increased use of organic soil fortifiers are required “There is no way we can continue farming without using fertilizers or soil fertility enhancers of any kind,” Kitungulu advises.

Benefits of the ingredients of our unique Organic Fertilizer: Benefits of Cotton Seed Meal as a Fertilizer:

For many gardeners, a cottonseed meal is a perfect fertilizer. It’s easy to use, doesn’t burn the plants even the sensitive flowering perennials or annuals, and its slow-release action and organic nature, mean that it will enrich the soil and benefit the plants for a long time. Cottonseed meal as a fertilizer for the garden is slow-release and acidic. Cottonseed meal varies in formulation slightly but is generally made up of 7% nitrogen, 3% P2O5, and 2% K2O. Cottonseed meal feeds nitrogen, potash, phosphorus, and other minor nutrients over a period a time period of 3-4 months, eliminating runoff and promoting vigorous growth of vegetables, landscape plants, and turf. In addition to remaining active in the soil for months, this organic material also improves the soil aeration, fights off the spread of pests while promoting the growth of good bugs and earthworms.

Neem Cake

Neem Cake as a fertilizer, soil enhancer and pesticide for crop growth & protection: It is rich in nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and Sulphur. It is also high in Azadirachtin, which gives it pesticide properties. It may be used as a natural pesticide, soil amendment, and Fertilizer. Neem cake is active in increasing growth, and leafage, resulting in rich blossoming, strengthening the roots, and improving the general appearance of fruits and vegetables. It permanently eradicates certain species of pests from the soil; it increases crop yield and fruit quality, as well as increasing disease and pest resistance, through the plant. Neem cake is totally biodegradable leaving no harmful residue in the environment. Does not harm beneficial insects. It accelerates root development, and overall plant growth and increases productivity and soil fertility, protecting the plant from nematodes and white ants. It prevents and treats ailment disorders of plants due to a lack or imbalance of nutrients and trace elements.

Cotton seed

Cotton seed Benefits as a Fertilizer:
Cotton nuts have relatively high nitrogen content compared to typical composts and manures. Crushed shell as nutrients works great for both backyard gardens and agricultural operations. They naturally release nutrients into the soil and help maintain a healthy pH and nutrient balance that can greatly benefit your plants. The shells strengthen the fertility and texture of the soil and add calcium drainage. This aids in the composting process by allowing air and moisture to flow through the soil.

Benefits of Macadamia nut cake

TP has replaced the use of cotton seed cakes with Macadamia nut cake Both cottonseed cake and macadamia nut cake can be good organic fertilizer options, with cottonseed cake providing more rapid nitrogen release and macadamia nut cake being richer in phosphorus and potassium. Both provide good organic matter to improve soil structure, water-holding capacity, and overall soil health. Cottonseed cake has a slightly higher organic matter content, around 80-90%, compared to 70-80% for macadamia nut cake. The organic matter in both breaks down over time, slowly releasing nutrients. Macadamia nut cake Moderate nitrogen content (around 3-5% N). Higher in phosphorus and potassium compared to cottonseed cake. Also provides organic matter to the soil. Potentially slower nutrient release than cottonseed cake. Macadamia nut cake contains lower nitrogen (3-5% N) but higher phosphorus (2-4%) and potassium (1-3%) compared to cottonseed cake. This makes it better suited for plants that need a more balanced nutrient supply or those that respond well to higher P and K levels. Fruit trees and vines (citrus, apples, grapes) that need a more balanced nutrient profile Vegetable crops that have higher phosphorus and potassium requirements, like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants Root crops like potatoes that benefit from the higher phosphorus and potassium levels Flowering and fruiting plants that need a boost in phosphorus and potassium for bud, flower, and fruit development

Benefits of Cocopeat Fiber

Using a coco-specific base nutrient is the key to successful gardening with this medium. Coir possesses significant amounts of natural potassium (K) and phosphorus (P). It also contains trace amounts of nitrogen (N), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), boron (B), chlorine (Cl), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo) and zinc (Zn). A base nutrient designed for a coco grow medium should reflect this composition and should have a lower P-K value than a base nutrient ideal for soils and hydroponics. Availability of soil micronutrients is a major limiting factor in crop productivity and its quality. Micronutrients are essential plant nutrients that are found in trace amounts in tissue, but play an imperative role in plant growth and development. Without these nutrients, plant nutrition would be compromised leading to potential declines in plant productivity. Of the 17 elements essential for plant growth, eight are micronutrients: boron (B), chlorine (CI), copper (Cu), iron (Fe),

Mangos Fruit waste

Tosheka Products uses fruit waste as a component to make its natural fertilizers. It replaces the use of blackstrap Molases as a source of food for the soil organisms. Fruit have a high nutritional content and an abundance of natural sugars providing a food source to the organisms in the soil that support the decomposition.

Eri Silk Frass as a Fertilizer Supplement:

Silk Frass is solid excrement or waste that comes from the process of rearing insects. Frass is often considered a great fertilizer since the creatures that produce it are eating healthy plants and recycling nitrogen. Frass granules have a unique composition of organic materials combined with nutrients, minerals and trace elements. Insect frass is just a natural form of compost, and by putting frass in your soil, you are basically feeding your plants digested plants. It carries an abundance of bacteria, fungi, amoebae, and other microbes. It is a powerful promoter of compost formation. It is high in Phosphorous, 5.37 and contains 2.08 of Nitrogen and 1.87 of Potassium.
Studies have shown its ability to deter pests such as aphids and so is a brilliant natural way to fend off unwanted pests! It also contains chitin which is a biopolymer known for eliciting an immune response and promoting growth of healthy soil microbes.
Organic materials are combined in frass with nutrients, minerals and trace elements. Together, these elements ensure growth, flowering, seed formation, ensure ripening, a strong formation of roots, tubers and fruits. Finally, the high proportion of chitin ensures the growth of good micro-organisms and enzymes. This will trigger the plant to activate its natural defense mechanisms. As a result, the crop is less attractive to diseases and pests. The result is excellent yields and naturally healthy crops.

Eri Silk Frass as a Fertilizer Supplement:

Silk Frass is solid excrement or waste that comes from the process of rearing insects. Frass is often considered a great fertilizer since the creatures that produce it are eating healthy plants and recycling nitrogen. Frass granules have a unique composition of organic materials combined with nutrients, minerals and trace elements. Insect frass is just a natural form of compost, and by putting frass in your soil, you are basically feeding your plants digested plants. It carries an abundance of bacteria, fungi, amoebae, and other microbes. It is a powerful promoter of compost formation. It is high in Phosphorous, 5.37 and contains 2.08 of Nitrogen and 1.87 of Potassium.
Studies have shown its ability to deter pests such as aphids and so is a brilliant natural way to fend off unwanted pests! It also contains chitin which is a biopolymer known for eliciting an immune response and promoting growth of healthy soil microbes.
Organic materials are combined in frass with nutrients, minerals and trace elements. Together, these elements ensure growth, flowering, seed formation, ensure ripening, a strong formation of roots, tubers and fruits. Finally, the high proportion of chitin ensures the growth of good micro-organisms and enzymes. This will trigger the plant to activate its natural defense mechanisms. As a result, the crop is less attractive to diseases and pests. The result is excellent yields and naturally healthy crops.